Empiri: Why Web Design is Dead

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Symptom 1: Commoditization by Templates

Templates vs. Lavet-fra-bunden

Either way, if your web page is a standard, informational one, there’s probably a template out there that can do the job for you.

Symptom 2: Web Design Patterns are Mature

Consistent oplevelse. Den simple løsning er ofte den bedste.

Trying to get creative at this point will probably be pointless or even harmful.

Symptom 3: Automation and Artificial Intelligence are Already Doing the Job

The Grid.

Symptom 4: Facebook Pages as the New Small-Business Homepage

They are so efficient in making a business visible that they are rendering basic web pages useless.

Symptom 5: Mobile is Killing the Web

Postulat: Apps er bedre. Http mønstret er unaturligt.

The Rise of Web Services and the Content that Finds You

Google søgning leverer resultat frem for leder videre.

This implies a shift from web pages to web services: self-sufficient bits of information that can be combined to other services to deliver value

Push-based: Få leveret info inden vi opsøger det. Google now, Amazon


Now more than ever, in a world flooded with cognitive noise, the world needs simple, intelligent, integrated ecosystems of information. The sooner designers embrace this need, the better prepared we’ll be for the future.

Web Design is NOT Dead, You’re Just Talking About it Wrong

Webdesign is not dead

Design is becoming leaner, more impactful and more inclusive.

Templates er one-size-fits all. Vil altid være underlegen i forhold til tailor made løsning.

In reality, web design is a network of interrelated services that requires thought in information architecture, web development, aesthetic design, marketing strategy, and content that all work together to promote a good user experience.

Mobile is NOT killing the web

28% benytter primært/udelukkende deres telefon. Stigende +

Mobile first - prioriter indhold kontra estetik.


Web developers research users to create appropriate digital representations that are navigated through designed interactions and structured according to prioritized content to deliver the best user experience.

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