
Formidler strukturen af information of indhold.

Bruger reelt indhold og billeder, for at demonstrere basik funktionaliteter på en statisk måde.

Inkluderer helst en styleguide - Typografi, farver og lign.

*Hvad? A scale or full-size model of a design or device demonstrating, promoting and showing off the product.

Hvem? Usually made by a graphic designer in cooperation with brand and communications managers.

Hvordan? Any program that can work visualy with color and images. Photoshop and the rest of adobe, Axure and so on – maby pen + paper.

Hvornår? In the middle and towards the end of the process. When the basic decisions are made and fundamental parts (properly) will not change.

*Hvorfor? Used for testing, gaining user feedback, teaching, design evaluation and benchmarking before final production phase.

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