Powerpoint Think about it_


En måde at levere et mål. Skabe en wrapper for brugeren.

Sortere data, og leverer relevant info.

Oversætter fra A til B. Fra bevægelse til 1 taller og 0'er..

Fra mennesker til computere.

“...interfaces are designs that combine – and translate between – signs and signals. As such, the interface is at the core of the computer.”

Behind representation and computation. The interface is simplified dumb down screen to hide the real complex computation. GUI, WIMP.


Interface is a strange word.

  • Hard to define and point at.
  • Comes in many shapes and sizes.
  • Focus on users and situation to understand where to go. Web design is dead.. And alive again
  • UX is the name of the game.
  • Put focus on the users emotional needs.
  • Design the whole brand, not just one channel. The first mouse was made of wood
  • How we see and understand Human Computer Interaction is ever changing.
  • The shift from system, to user, to emotion.


Be able to create convenient user interfaces adapted to relevant target groups based on the theory and methods of the relevant subject area.

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