
Transmission kommmunikation/Web 1.0 - Monolog

Web 2.0 - Viral, Dialog

Web 1.0


Redaktionsbaseret - Sender indhold ud. Ingen anelse om modtageren læser det.

Web 1.0 kan være søgemaskinerne Altavista og Yahoo, da de ser på etablerede taksonomier og top-down klassificeringer .

Web 2.0


Google og Wikipedia er begge web 2.0 applikationer

Søgealgoritmen i Googles software er baseret på at websider, som en masse andre sites linker til, er såkaldte populære websites og bliver derfor placeret højere oppe, end websites som ikke bliver linket så meget til.

Wikipedia, er baseret på brugernes involvering.

“Rather than message consumers, audiences exchanging messages in the new media sphere are called prosumers because they both produce and consume messages.”

Messages can evolve and get ”a life” of their own – in such cases the sender has no control of direction.

”Feedback is a form of dialogue, and dialogue is the currency of new media strategic communications.”


At engagere brugerne i dialog, er nærmest vigtigere end transmissions kommunikation.



  • Data becomes very complex very fast.
  • Complex data is difficult to understand.
  • It hides important truths, creates confusion and may lead to wrong decisions.


  • Visualisation works to present data in a way that “everyone” can understand.

  • Removing confusion and leaving the data open to interpretation - leading to the right decisions.

Kan evt. også manipuleres, ved at fremhæve det man selv vil.

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