Excercise from class
Write a MongoDB query to display all the documents in the collection series.
Write a MongoDB query to display the fields Title and Season for all the documents in the collection series.
db.series.find({}, {Title: 1, Season: 1})
Write a MongoDB query to display the fields Title, Season and Episode, but exclude the field _id for all the documents in the collection series.
db.series.find({}, {Title: 1, Season: 1, "Episodes.Episode": 1, _id : 0})
Write a MongoDB query to display all the seasons which is in the first series you chose (excluding those from the second series).
db.series.find({Title: "Game of Thrones"})
Write a MongoDB query to display the first 3 seasons which is in the first series you chose.
db.series.find({Title : "Game of Thrones"}).sort({Season : 1}).limit(3);
Write a MongoDB query to display the next 2 seasons after skipping first 3 which are in the first series you chose.
db.series.find({Title : "Game of Thrones"}).sort({Season : 1}).skip(3).limit(2);
Write a MongoDB query to find the Title, Episode and IMDB rating for those episodes which contains 'The' as first three letters for its name.
db.series.find({"Episodes.Title" : { $regex : /^The/ }},{Title : 1, "Episodes.Title" : 1, "Episodes.imdbRating" : 1, "Episodes.$" : 1});
Write a MongoDB query to find the Title, Episode and IMDB rating for those episodes which contains 'ing' as last three letters for its name.
db.series.find({"Episodes.Title" : { $regex : /ing$/ }},{Title : 1, "Episodes.Episode" : 1, "Episodes.imdbRating" : 1});
- Write a MongoDB query to find the Title, Episode and IMDB rating for those episodes which contains 'car' as three letters somewhere in its name
db.series.find({"Episodes.Title" : { $regex : /rains/i }},{Title : 1, "Episodes.Episode" : 1, "Episodes.imdbRating" : 1});
Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the series in ascending order along with all the columns.
db.series.find({}).sort({Title : 1})
Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the series in ascending order with only the Title column showing.
db.series.find({}, {Title : 1}).sort({Title : 1})
- Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the series in descending along with all the columns.
db.series.find().sort({Title : -1})
db.series.find({ 'Episodes.Title': 'Secrets' }, {'Episodes.$': 1});