Vim Cheat Sheet

Just a list of the hard-to-remember but easy-to-love commands and shortcuts that I find.

Plenty more useful Vim commands/tips here.

Command What is happened
^w then ^w Cycle through open splits
cc Delete line and enter insert mode
cw Change word
^w then = Make all splits equal in size
gg=G Reindent the file
"+y Copy to the system clipboard
:%s/find/replace Global find and replace
gd Go to definition of the object under the cursor
:e Refresh the current buffer/file
:e! Same as above, but discards changes
ci" Change content wrapped in quotes "
cit Change text inside
cst Change surrounding
p Insert clipboard below current line
P Insert clipboard above current line
gf Open the file under the current cursor
* Search for the current cursor in the buffer
ct_ Change until the next _
c/foo<CR> Change until the search term "foo"
^E Scroll window down
^Y Scroll window up
^F Page down
^B Page up

Copy Paste

The default mapping is cp, and can be followed by any motion or text object. For instance:

  • cpiw => copy word into system clipboard
  • cpi' => copy inside single quotes to system clipboard

In addition, cP is mapped to copy the current line directly.

The sequence cv is mapped to paste the content of system clipboard to the next line.

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