Working with Git in Vim

Git status

Mapped to leader+gs

The :Gstatus command opens a status window. The contents closely resemble the output from running git status in the shell, but fugitive makes the window interactive. You can jump directly between files with ctrl-n and ctrl-p.

| Command | Effect                                |
| -       | Add/reset file                        |
| Enter   | Open current file                     |
| p       | run `git add –patch` for current file |
| c       | invoke :Gcommit                       |

Git index

The git index is where you put changes that you want to be included in the next commit.

To see the Git saved version of curent file


Git diff

To see changes to current file, compared to Gits version.



    <leader>dg :diffget<CR>
    <leader>dp :diffput<CR>

    Git add current file

    <leader>ga :Git add %:p<CR><CR>
    <leader>gs :Gstatus<CR>
    <leader>gc :Gcommit -v -q<CR>
    <leader>gd :Gdiff<CR>
    <leader>ge :Gedit :%<CR>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""