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Reflektion in action - Nye ideer imens

A way to generate possibilities that might otherwise remain untapped.

Reflektion on action - Nye idder efter.

Process Sketches

Process sketches. The goal is to understand an assignment. There can be more writing that sketching. Focus is on examining problems and analyzing the context.

Ideation Sketches

Sketches that are created by designers while developing an idea of a product. Mainly roughly made and without details.

Explanatory sketches

Created to explain function, shape and structure of a design concept. These are sketches presented to a client. Readable to everyone.

Persuasive sketches / Mockups

Finishing sketches that are usually created in digital softwares such as CAD- programs, Adobe Photoshop and others. Detailed and colorful to influence audience and sell a design concept.

Alt design bliver til et produkt

Thoughtful design - gennemtænkt design. Hvor alle faser, og aspekter har en mening.

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