Kapitel 1

Core concept.

Interaction design refers to the process that is arranged within existing resource constaints to create, shape and decide all use-oriented qualities. (strucutal, functional, ethical and aestetic) of a design artifact for one or many clients.

What is design theory?

Design theory can be seen as knowledge that can liberate the designer from perconceived notions and conceptions of how the design process can and should be performed.

Recap - Design theory. Hæver design processen fra at være subjektiv til at være objektiv baseret.

Note that the designer's current understanding of a design situation is commonly refferd to as the "problem", and her ideas on how to proceed are called "solutions".

Every design situation is unique.

The combination of the three elements. - The designer, the resources and the situation - is always unique. Which means Ultimate particular

Kapitel 2 - The process

Three level of abstractions in early design work

  • The vision
  • The operative image
  • And the specifikations

When a designer is confronted with a design situation, a vision emerges.

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