
The use of scenarios in design

A scenario is a description of a set of users, a work context, and a set of tasks that users perform or want to perform.

Scenarios are one good reference point for making design decisions.

Scenarios - er en måde at vise omstændighederne.

Hvad et scenario ikke er..

A scenario is not a description by end users - their interests are far too parochial to develop a scenario useful in a research lab. While it is very important to understand things from users' perspectives, the data from interacting with users (i.e. interviews, observations, and the collection of artifacts such as lab notebooks or instrument output) must be sifted and analyzed by someone who has research goals in mind.

Hvad er det?

Et scenario er en fortælling. Et scenario skal være *suggestive.

Scenarier, ligesom alt andet, har en naturlig life cycle. De er særligt værdifulde i begyndelsen , men i mindre grad som tiden går.

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