Scenarios and design requirements

Research-design Gap



How they all fit together into a coherent product that satisfies both user and business needs.

  • Developing stories or scenarios as a means of imagining ideal user interactions (Brugerscenarie)
  • Using those scenarios to extract design requirements (User Goals)
  • Using these requirements in turn to define the product’s fundamental interaction framework
  • Filling in that framework with ever-increasing amounts of design detail

    Narrative as a Design Tool (Storytelling)

Interaction design is first and foremost the design of behavior that occurs over time.

Goal-Directed scenarios er en iterativ måde at definere hvordan software skal opføre sig fra brugerens vinkel. (Persona)

Goal-Directed scenarios are an iterative means of defining a product’s behavior from the standpoint of specific users (personas)

Use cases er langt mere tekniske. Hver enkel funktionalitet. Uden at tage højde for brugeren direkte.


Use cases har oprindelse i software engineering. Goal directed scenarios er opstået senere med interaction design. Og tager dermed i større grad højde for brugeren. User stories “As a user, I would like to log in to my online banking account.”

They don’t describe the user’s entire flow at a big-picture level or describe what the user’s end goal is.

Persona-based scenarios

Persona-based scenarios er en narrativ beskrivelse af hvordan et persona benytter et produkt for at opnå et specifikt mål. De beskriver en ideel bruger oplevelse.

  • Og gør det dermed muligt at fokusere på personaet, frem for at fokusere på teknologien eller business goals.

Scenario content and context are derived from information gathered during the Research phase and analyzed during the Modeling phase.

Context scenario - hvordan produktet bedst opfylder brugerens behov. (Ideel brugssituation)

They are written from the persona’s perspective, focusing on human activities, perceptions, and desires.

Design Requirements: The “What” of Interaction (Kravsspecifikation)

Hvilke informationer kræver brugeren, samt hvad kræves for at han kan opnå deres mål.

The Requirements Definition phase determines the what of the design: what information and capabilities our personas require to accomplish their goals.


Forfatter begynder heller ikke at male deres illustrationer. Inden de har fastlagt hvem der skal indgå i deres fortælling.

Define what the product will do before you design how the product will do it.

Design requirements as being synonymous with needs.

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