Personal Vim Tips
Delete in insert mode
To delete a character, word or line while in Insert mode, Vim Command Line mode or Shell Command Line we have the following shortcuts available:
<C-h> " Backspace
<C-w> " Delete back one word
<C-u> " Delete back to start of line
<C-k> " Delete forward to end of line
Everyone probably already knows, this, but you can do
:mks ~/mysession.vim
Then to open session
vim -S ~/mysession.vim
When opening vim to load all your tabs, files and windows back just how they were.
Sort properties in CSS
If we want to order the lines in the CSS selector alphabetically, we just select the lines and type :sort while in visual mode and then we have them sorted.
h4 {
font-size: 11px;
margin: 15px;
background: red;
Vim Easymotion
Configure Vim Easymotion to use space as trigger. Vim Easymotion Typing space and then typing, seems natural.
let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '<space>'
Vim and system clipboard
Copy text to system clipboard. Maped to leader + y
function! CopyText()
normal gv"+y
:call system('xsel -ib', getreg('+'))
vmap <leader>y :call CopyText()<cr>
Rename current file
Rename current file. Maped to leader + rf
function! RenameFile()
let old_name = expand('%')
let new_name = input('New file name: ', expand('%'), 'file')
if new_name != '' && new_name != old_name
exec ':saveas ' . new_name
exec ':silent !rm ' . old_name
map <leader>rf :call RenameFile()<cr>