User Experience (UX)

Term til at beskrive all aspekter af brugerens interageren med dit produkt.

Erstatter UI/GUI som udtryk. Fokus er flyttet fra det grafiske i interfacen, til at omfatte brugeren. Samt den totale oplevelse.

No matter how much time and labor a company invests in the design and development of its Web site or enterprise application, the true value comes when a user understands and engages with the experience they see before their eyes. The real action isn’t taking place on the screen -- it's taking place in the mind of the users.

UX design

The goal of UX design in business is to “improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product.”

I 70'er var det udelukkende fagfolk der interagerede med computere. (Implementation-centric)

I starten blev metaforer brugt (Diskette/Gem - Skrivebord/Foldere) for at den gængse bruger forstod det.

Musen har vi lært at bruge idiomatic. Intet indikerer at den virker sådan, vi har bare lært det.

HCI -> GUI -> User Interface -> User experience


The Mother of all demos - Den moderne computer

Douglas Engelbart 1968

Introduced user-friendliness – on screen:

  • High-resolution screen- The mouse
  • Windows
  • File sharing
  • Messaging
  • A new keyboard
  • A shortcut button
  • The knee-controller

1980 WIMP

WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menues, Pointers)

1985 GUI

Graphical user interface.

Folk var konservative. Hvorfor ikke tekst? DOS/Unix based..

From manuals to intuition

Fra implementation til metaforer

I dag

Interface Design

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